I could walk straight into the competition. But if I wanted to do that I may as well stay where I am.

Except that you can bank your pay off and have it as a nest egg, whilst you carry on earning: If you decide upon a business of your own, you'll need money, and it's so much nicer to have some of your own, rather than going cap in hand to a Bank Manager.

Whilst you're thinking what to do, you won't be running down the funds.

When I was redundant in '82, I was up and running with my own business the Monday morning after my leaving do, utilising my pay off, if not to cover all the costs, at least showing credibility in that I was prepared to risk my own funds.

I can't count the number of people I've spoken to over the years who want to get out of it and do something different: Great if you know what "something different" is and you're realising a burning ambition - otherwise you're chucking out all your training (paid for by someone else) and experience for a greater risk.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag