Originally Posted By: tonyc
In other words, yet another example of the many, many Americans who vote against their own self-interest.

Are you referring to Detroit who has only elected Democrats for 40+ years while crime goes up, high school graduation rates fall to 37%, unemployment hovers at 15% and the Lions are 0 - 5? wink

I'm not going to try to change your opinion on any of this stuff. Rather, I'm just going to explain why we vote that way.

First of all, you'd have to assume that financial self-interests are the only thing that matter to most voters. Many of us consider it just plain wrong to demonize the rich and have a tax system that takes more of their money just because we can. We also have many social issues that we care about. For an average white person who clings to guns and religion because he is bitter about life, that issue may be the 2nd amendment. If you're like me and think that abortion is killing an unborn baby, it's hard to weigh ANY matters of the economy or war or whatever against 1,200,000 dead, dismembered babies in the US each year. That's the whole concept behind "Country First".

The whole "voting for financial self interest" thing has gotten us to the point where people who don't pay taxes get to vote on what the taxpayers pay. Right now, the top 5% of taxpayers pay 53.25% of the taxes and the top 50% of taxpayer pay a whopping 96.03% (year 2000 data). Where will it end?

While I completely understand why people may think Republican policies won't help the country, it always amazes me how Democrats are so shocked when they hear of someone who makes under $30k a year and votes Republican.

That's why a lot of us are disgusted with the whole "What are you going to give me??" questions at townhall meetings. "Free" college, "free" health care, "free" equity on mortgages I never should have gotten, etc. We just want as little government in our lives as possible. It's painful to see a debate where it looks like two car salesmen fighting over who is going to give me a better deal on that extended warranty.

Regarding Joe the Plumber, I don't know what you guys are talking about. I can't stand cable news and actually clicked in here to see what you guys thought about it. wink It's like talking about lipstick on pigs or something. smile
Brad B.