Originally Posted By: taym
... and, I am using Jemplode 70, HiJack 476, 3.0Alpha11 .

Hi Claudio,

There are two other software identifiers that may be even more important to know here:

1. What operating system/version on the PC, and
2. What Sun Java version on the PC.

Just now, I used Jemplode v70 to download playlists from a v3a11 player here and it worked fine. On Linux (Kubuntu Hardy) with Sun JRE v1.6.0_0 as the java runtime. No problems.

I run jemplode with this commandline (from a script, actually), from within the same directory that holds the jemplode.jar file:

java_jar jemplode.jar

The exact files I use are here for you, as there may be some doubt as to the exact version of jemplode (duplicate version numbers seem to abound..).


Edited by mlord (27/10/2008 22:15)