Both your "pairs" of MP3s are different rips -- they have different ID3 tags and everything.
Actually they are not different rips. They are the same rip. jEplode retags the MP3 upon download, and that's one of the main reasons why I had to use jemplode. I already have almost all fids on my hdd, but I was not sure they had the right tagging inside, so that even using some renaming sw would not be an ideal choice.
In addition to that, I used iTunes to change some of the tagging. The mp3s are, however, the same rip.

"Taym's Grab & Encode" is the comment I use in my empeg to classify the mp3s I grabbed and encode. I use to add that comment once they are in the empeg, so it is not in the FID/mp3's id tag but in empeg db. Once I download the file from the empeg to the hdd, jEmplode updates the ID3 tag including my comment.