Hi Frank,
I'm still having trouble installing; but it looks different with the new installer:


Remounting first music partition read-only

Remounting second music partition read-only

Player exited normally: 0

Switching to shell-player loop

Starting bash.

empeg:/empeg/bin# TMOUT=0

empeg:/empeg/bin# export ARCHIVE=`ls -lrt /drive0/fids/ /drive1/fids/ 2>/dev/nul
l|grep 544539| sed -e '$!d' -e 's/.* //'`
(now it's sitting there for about a minute)

empeg:/empeg/bin# if [ -n "$ARCHIVE" ][ -n "$ARCHIVE" ]; then

> tar xzfO $ARCHIVE empackager/install.sh | /bin/bash

> else

> echo "package not found"

> fi

tar (child): 305b0: Cannot open: No such file or directory

tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now

tar: Child returned status 2

tar: empackager/install.sh: Not found in archive

tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Could it be I have too many songs on it ? I think there are about 12000 on it right now.
The size of ds2b1.mp3 is correct, 544539 bytes.

Dr. Pupvogel
mk2 #080000169