Arrrrgh, printers are such a racket. Many times it costs as much to replace the required toner or ink as it does to buy a new printer. [snip...] My parents need a new printer to replace the POS Epson I bought for them a few years ago. [snip...] I'd like to find something with an easy to get toner cartridge that won't cost an arm and a leg and that has decent (high-ish) yield. The printer should hold at least 200 sheets of paper in an enclosed (but easy to reload) paper tray.
Any recommendations?
Boy, this this thread brings back
I still
highly recommend Kyocera B&W laser printers. They are more expensive up front, but the cost per copy savings will pay for the printer.
As for your statement "There's absolutely no way to financially justify the expense of a colour printer of any make/model for the home" I beg to differ. I have been absolutely delighted with my Samsung CLP-300 color laser printer. You can buy one from Amazon for less than
$175 including shipping, and a 2000 page four-color toner kit goes for less than
$40 again including shipping. That's less than two cents per page. No, the print quality is not as good as a dedicated photo printer on special 15 cents a sheet paper, but it is more than adequate for home use as shown by this
scanned in image from the printer.
Reviews I have read on the printer suggest that it is not robust, and that anybody thinking they will get the claimed 24,000+ page monthly duty cycle is living in a dream world. But for folks like me who print maybe 20 pages on a busy day, it's hard to beat.
And, BTW, if you shop around, it is easy to find the printer for less than $100 but you'll usually pay $25 or so in shipping. Toner is readily available, but $40 delivered seems to be the sweet spot in the price spectrum right now.