Specifically, I need to look for "Auto racing, sports non-event" and key on "sports non" as an exclusion so I don't end up recording the NASCAR shopping channel and the pre-race show etc.
I don't think those categories show up as keywords. I'm not in front of my TiVo right now, but can't you set up a wishlist search and select the subcategory "event" (or whatever the opposite of non-event is)? (I don't watch sports, so I'm not familiar with the categories available for it.)
When I select Input 1 on the TV set, it flashes a brief message that it is running at 480P resolution. Is this normal for my setup? I have no idea what sort of resolutions TV sets use, but 480 seems low compared to my LCD computer monitor which is running 1680 x 1050.
"Standard" TV — that is, NTSC: what we've all been watching in the US for fifty years — is effectively 480i ("i" meaning "interlaced" and "p" meaning "progressive"), which is 720×480×30Hz.
Digital TV supports several resolutions up to (as of now) 1080p, or 1920×1080×30Hz. But NTSC is the highest resolution that you can transmit over an S-Video cable.