Specifically, I need to look for "Auto racing, sports non-event" and key on "sports non" as an exclusion so I don't end up recording the NASCAR shopping channel and the pre-race show etc.
I don't think those categories show up as keywords. I'm not in front of my TiVo right now, but can't you set up a wishlist search and select the subcategory "event" (or whatever the opposite of non-event is)?
Unfortunately, no. The furthest down the subcategories go is "Sports-->Auto Racing". What I am looking at and trying to catch with key words isn't the program title nor the program description. It's the boilerplate stuff down at the bottom that is the only real distinguishing feature. A little testing shows that the key word search does not address that information. See the attached pictures for what I mean. The "non-event" show is a discussion panel about a 30 year old race with video clips thrown in.
The third picture is just a sample to show how bad the picture is when recorded at lowest TiVo quality. It is much better at higher quality levels (no surprise) but even at highest quality it is no better than my old OTA signal at lowest record quality in Alaska. I think Tony has it right a couple of posts before this one.
But NTSC is the highest resolution that you can transmit over an S-Video cable.
Since my TiVo is not an HD unit, then NTSC is as good as it gets, right?