Rock and Rule, to add to your animated list.
The Number 23, to add to your mindfuck list. (Yes, it's Jim Carrey, but it's actually good geeky fun if you get the references.)
The Specials, for obscure superhero films.
Corman's Fantastic Four, for obscure crappy superhero films. (As opposed to the more recent one, which is a non-obscure crappy superhero film.)
There are a lot more PKD adaptations, most of them pretty bad. From bad to worse: Impostor, Screamers, Paycheck, Minority Report. I've actually not gotten around to seeing A Scanner Darkly or Next. Honorable mention: Confessions d'un Barjo, a French language adaptation of Dick's non-SF Confessions of a Crap Artist.
Lots of other Gilliam films fit. Time Bandits, Twelve Monkeys, etc.
Bitt Faulk