Where is "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"?
Certainly a classic, but is it a nerd film?
I think so. (Happens to be my favorite film, so I'm biased.)
Things that qualify it as a nerd film:
- Main characters, Cameron especially but even Ferris to a degree, are somewhat geeky in their personalities and behavior, and are shown as role models. This differs from a lot of 80's teen fare, where geeks are used as targets of derision.
- Specific geek humor instances include: Usage of the pac-man death sound when Rooney gets embarrassed at the pizza parlor, Star Wars theme song when parking attendants take Ferrari for a joyride, several instances of Ferris' use of technology to fool Rooney and his parents, etc.
- Main characters skip school. Do they do drugs? Do they commit crimes? No, they go to an art museum. C'mon, you can't get any geekier than that.
- It stars the same star from "WarGames". That gets it geek points all by itself.