I have installed 1.03 beta developer on mine with displayserver and the ir hacked kerbal which is working fine but i am getting similar problems

In the car it knows it is in the car ( boot logo,fader, dimmer etc) and the following settings are lost after a total power down beep level and dimmer settings it is powering off after the 90 seconds i set it to as well but haven't tryed this at any other settings

In the house it knows where it is again boot logo no fader etc. and the beep settings are lost after unplugging.

The song position is remembered fine and the visuals are remembered fine. Another small point it sayes starting radio module which is wishful thinking as i ain't got one yet.

Emplode has this nasty Rio logo but i don't think we can fix it yet and i am having the same problem with accessing playlist info

P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland