It's not terribly relevant, but I've got two jobs, one on the road and one fifteen minutes from home. The one on the road pays half again as much as the home one, plus guarantees 10 hour work days with California overtime rules. (no security of employment, and no health care included, however)
Of course, the one on the road is booked on a per job basis. I've never heard of a job paying more for days on the road, but I suppose it's out there.
It seems like your big fear is working 80 hour weeks and getting paid for 40 hour weeks like the rest of your call center breathren. On the other side, your Boss doesn't want to pay expensive overtime bills. I deal with this with "Compensory Time Off" -- overtime is authorized on the condition that I'm willing to take time off instead of getting paid for it. (I then use that time to hit the road on my other job, making it a win/win situation).
Good luck. If they're not willing to budge on overtime/schedule, make sure you're getting paid enough so that you don't feel like you're being taken advantage of every day.