4. There are other factors beyond cash compensation.
And with the advantage of 20-20 hindsight, I can attest that this may be the most important factor of all.
I was incredibly fortunate in my working career (I'm now retired) in that I enjoyed my job so much that for 25 years or so I never even took vacations because I couldn't imagine a vacation that would be as much fun as my job. I wasn't particularly well paid, and I never was nor ever will be wealthy. Nonetheless, my retirement is secure enough that for the rest of my life I will have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and paid-for medical coverage. Anything beyond that is gravy. Only once in my life did I work at a job I didn't like, and I would live in a cardboard box under the bridge before I ever did that again.
The absolute number one priority is to be happy in your work.