The first program you suggest I don't know, but the second one I've already found myself. But after reading the warning on its homepage I was reluctant to use it. It warns about possible mp3 file corruption when using the program on a non-English windows version...
I use Tag & Rename as my main program for mp3 tagging. Have been for years and I absolutely love it. It now also does cover art and can even tag entire albums with art. It's just a pain when you want to tag separate files (like Cd singles that I've ripped), because that forces me to do file-by-file tagging... I've also noticed that most album art taggers -iTunes included- lean heavy on the 'album' field of an mp3 tag. If that field wasn't filled in, it won't find any cover art. That also forces me to fill in that field now for all my CD single mp3 files. (on the other hand, most get filled in now by WinAmp's Auto Tag feature
