Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I'd say there's a mild ethical problem with doing what you're saying, if you're checking out their license, un-DRM-ing it, and then immediately relinquishing the license.

The library does not allow early "returns". If I check out my allowed maximum number of books (or as you correctly state, licenses) I cannot check out any more until the two-week period is up, and during that two-week period nobody else can check those books out either. Even if I checked out the book and then immediately spent the next 10 hours listening to it, the book (or license) would be out of circulation for two weeks.

By making my non-DRM copy of the book, I avoid having to renew the license if I haven't finished it, and the book gets back into circulation so that others can enjoy it sooner than they might otherwise.

I guess it comes down to "no harm, no foul". What I do has no impact, none whatsoever, on anyone except myself and that is only for my convenience.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"