Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
how would I know if it didn't?

It would seem slow when you tabbed between applications, and every time it seemed slow the hard-disk light would be on.

now that my platform is 32-bit

I'm guessing that you intend this to mean "no longer 16", but in fact your platform being "not 64 yet" means you wouldn't see all the benefit of adding 2GB more: the memory usable by Windows would max out at about 3GB, the exact figure depending on what PCI/PCIe peripherals the machine has.

So much for RAM size; it's also conceivable that RAM bandwidth could be improved by adding a second memory module, as some motherboards these days have multiple memory buses and can interleave accesses if RAM is populated in matching pairs. However, all this would gain you if so is additional speed, and if your PC is already fast enough there's no need for an upgrade for bandwidth reasons either.
