Originally Posted By: wfaulk

Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
I think it works fine, but how would I know if it didn't?

Now watch the Total Commit Charge. If its value hovers near that of Total Physical Memory, you have too little memory for what you're doing.

I'm guessing that Total Commit Charge is the little skinny column on the left. It stays pretty much at just under half of the Total Physical Mmemory as I type this.

Originally Posted By: wfaulk
...you can use the Page File Usage History graph to see what your memory usage looks like over time, so you don't have to constantly watch that number change.

The most severe memory usage I have is when I am removing DRMs from audiobooks. The software plays the audio in real-time, transcoding to MP3 and removing the DRM. I can specify how many audio streams to run concurrently, and have found that the limit on my computer seems to be 20. More than that and I get file corruption. I think the bottleneck is CPU usage, not RAM usage, but strangely my CPU usage graph never goes over 65-70% while running the program. The RAM usage runs pretty constant at about 2/3 of the Y-axis on the graph when I am playing/transcoding 20 streams at once.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"