contend with dozy-pr!ck cyclists who somehow think that traffic lights don't apply to them,
This may be a surprise to you.... but I agree 100% with what you are saying here. I would estimate that at least 90% of all cyclists (in the US, anyway) ride like complete idiots.
[soapbox] My riding style is to act like I am a small car. That means full stop at all stop signs, obeying traffic lights, when riding in city traffic (where I can maintain the same speed as the cars around me) I take my space out of the middle of the lane so there is no confusion about where I am going and no problems seeing where I am. I never go through an intersection (where I have right-of-way) without making eye contact with opposing drivers.
I watch other cyclists paying no attention to what they are doing, riding without helmets going the wrong way on one way streets... and I just cringe and know that their actions are going to cause the motorists they encounter to show hostility to the next cyclist they encounter -- possibly me. [/soapbox]
Your point about headphones is well made. When I wear them I don't play them loud -- I like to hear what's going on around me -- and I do ride with mirrors on the bike.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"