Originally Posted By: andym
I presume your examples are exaggerated.

Although my example is hand-made instead of an actual screen shot, the amount of delay is not exaggerated. Keep in mind that's a fairly large magnification of a Tivo menu screen. But the amount of "smear" relative to the size of the graphics is about right.

A box like this should do the trick.

Yeah, that's more like what I'm looking for. But even smaller and cheaper than that. Do you (or anyone else) know what is going on (electronically) inside that box?

Of course dialling in delay will soften the picture.

Using the coiled-cabling trick, I've found that it does not soften the picture at all, each delayed signal is just as sharp as if I hadn't delayed it at all. And since it fixes a color smearing problem, the result is a *sharper* picture.
Tony Fabris