Originally Posted By: drakino
The suffix address was a very popular feature for a few of my friends hat use the domain, and odds are between a few of us, we probably have many hundreds of suffix addresses with some that aren't used frequently. I also don't want to sort through other peoples e-mail to get it to them, out of a respect for their privacy.

Because it's just family using the domain, privacy is less of a concern. I set up my account as a catch-all for the domain, and then when a suffix-addressed email arrives for the wife (as one did this morning), I simply forward it to the wife, and then set up a "nickname" (Google's term for an alias) to catch it in future.

There's a limited number of nicknames allowed, but it should be enough for our purposes.

So far, it's working fine, but I'm having trouble importing my old emails (not that I'm that bothered).

-- roger