simply replace the +12V wire with the +5V from the USB cable, and change out the 2.2K resistor for a 1K value?
Well, that works. As does a 470ohm value. Oddly enough, the current is still about 5mA with either the 1000ohm or the 470ohm in there. Perhaps the driver circuitry (two transistors, which I left in place) is regulating the current?
Anyway, this is really good now as-is. Completely bus-powered off of USB, so interfacing to the MythTV box just got simpler.
I dunno Mark, Frankenswitch v2 was my favorite. \:\)
Mine, too.

V2 has less signal attenuation than the new hacked 4x1 diseqc switch does. All of our local channels are now strong enough for that not to matter (much) now. The distant weak analog PBS station is now off the air, and the antenna feed for the digital PBS replacement bypasses the switch anyway. Everything else is local and thus quite a bit stronger.
Another plus of v2 though, is that all of the coax connectors line up nicely along one side of the unit, for very easy connector access. Whereas the new 4x1 thingie has three on one side, and two on the opposite side. Very inconvenient, that!