Originally Posted By: tfabris
A friend of mine wrote this review in their blog...

Star Trek.

That was like really good, rough sex. The kind where you're getting bent over a kitchen counter because you can't wait to get to a bed, and the hair-pulling and the biting are at EXACTLY the right amount of ow-but-not, and when you're done, you're sore but you have a big, stupid grin because it was Just. That. Good.

And then you go home and do it again, because you can.

I think that's a rather tenuous comparison. Certainly not something that would make me want to see the film, nor does it really disseminate any useful info regarding it. You could say typical 'blog' content. smile

I have, however, seen the film and the first thing I wanted to do afterwards was go and watch the original 5 films. It really ignited my interest in the franchise again. Although I don't think I'd want to see any of the series again. TNG when shown on the BBC always looked 'soft' to the point where it was pretty much unwatchable for me. Damn you Americans with your NTSC!

The film I cannot wait for is T4. I absolutely loved the first two, felt completely screwed over by the third. So I'm hoping Shouty McMom Beater does a good job this time.

Andy M