Originally Posted By: jimhogan
I have to say that this sounds a little bit like the Archdiocese of Boston or Reverend Ike. I think you made a good call.
Yeah, I'm pretty confident I made the right decision. I've never left a job interview feeling like that before.

The more I think about it, the more I realize just what a bad situation this was. I should also mention the owner's claims up front to about 11 interviewees that this was a "Christian based company", yet nothing displayed beyond that statement was remotely Christian (not that I would expect to work in a faith based environment outside of a business with a specific religious mission).

What I did find fascinating was how he handled my personal interview vs. another coworker of mine that was also going for the same position (we compared notes later). For my coworker, he offered the job and told him he needed an immediate answer because he needed "people who can make decisions"; when my coworker refused to answer, he told him to go read some book about how the most successful people in the world know how to make big decisions based on their gut. In my case, I was also offered the position, but he only asked how quickly I could have a decision to him (I told him the next day- I was already pretty sure I was going to decline, but I want to fact check the company and test my reads). He accepted this quite readily and did not push me at all. My coworker is still considering the job. It seems this guy knows who he can push around and who he cannot (if he's pushed me the way he pushed my coworker, I simply would have declined right then and there)
. Not really the kind of situation I want to be in, no matter what the pay.

At this point, the only odd thing to me is how he's managed to retain some pretty capable people (at least one of the interviewers really impressed me).

Edited by JeffS (18/05/2009 11:41)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.