I have to say that I do like the idea of being able to carry the controller (and so the iPod) around the house with headphones, but we won't use it much that way, and, I have Zune and iPod classic for that, should I want to...
Only the Squeezebox Controller lets you do this, the touch/iPhone only acts as a remote.
Most of the time I control my various Squeezeboxes through the web interface, although the newer Logitech interface is a little slower and clunkier than the old SlimServer ever was it's still one of the best ways I have found to file my music collection.
Most of the time I just use the random function, I find it works really well and is very random often digging up tunes I haven't listened to in years. The only option I would like to have is to be able to skip tracks from one of the buttons on the side of my Wacom Tablet, I can get it to do that for iTunes but I am not clever enough to figure out how to control the Squeezebox from a key stroke combo in OS X.
You won't be disappointed with the Classic
