Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Is there some shortcut I'm unaware of? Because I can't see much difference between [starting paint, resizing the default canvas to something smaller than your screenshot if necessary, hitting ctrl-v, ctrl-s] and [starting paint.net, hitting ctrl-alt-v, ctrl-s]. Personally, I think that not having to consider the size of the image to be pasted saves more time than waiting a little longer for the program to open.

You don't need to resize the default canvas in even vaguely recent versions of Paint (from at least XP on), it resizes when you paste. As Roger points out Paint starts a lot faster than Paint.net, especially the first time.

But more importantly I can sit down at any users PC, in any organisation and start Paint it two seconds by hitting windows-r and typing "mspaint". In those sort of cases installing Paint.net isn't really an option.

It is a shame though that MSFT never took the Apple approach to screenshots and just saved the screenshot to a file.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday