Originally Posted By: frog51
(Oh, and didn't mean to come across all "I'm such a traveller, me", and I wasn't meaning to impugne the US. It was just very surprising to me, considering the direct connections from major US hubs to just about everywhere should make it easy to travel.)

Yeah, but there's one major difference:

In the same distance (and airfare) as you can get to dozens of cities with thousand year histories very different from your own and each other, I can only get to a handful of cities with histories longer than 250 years, most of which are really fairly similar to my own. That doesn't mean that New York, Washington, Boston, Atlanta, Charleston, etc. aren't interesting cities to visit, it just means that they're not as distinctly different; there's almost no draw to experience the culture: you pretty much have to want to go there for some specific reason.
Bitt Faulk