That's just it - I get audio just fine... it's only the signal bar that shows on the display that tells me I have no signal.

BTW, I LOVE that signal tracer. Very funny. (and simply practical)

My scope shows me nice hot outputs that completely correlate to the datasheet for the tuner module.

watching the RDS MPX is fun too. I had an RDS decoder around someplace.. I wonder where I put it.

ANNnnyway... Thanks for the info (why they didn't work it into the onboard PIC and just do a serial command is weird.) I'll trace the Level line (haven't worked on it yet) and see if it does indeed work back to the empeg cable. I wonder if my empeg connector is just unhappy since I'm pretty religious about pulling it out of the car when I'm not with it.

Empeg Mk2 in fabulous green! Green Face, Green BackLit Buttons... GREEN...