Here's my shortlist (with selling-points) from when I last went looking, about six months ago:
Canon Powershot G10 (optical viewfinder, uncompressed mode)
Fujifilm F200EXR (dual stabilisation, ISO12800)
Panasonic Lumix TZ7 (12x zoom, ISO6400)
Panasonic Lumix LX3 (only 2.5x zoom but very bright f2.0-2.8 lens, ISO6400, uncompressed mode)
Ricoh CXI (120fps video)
Samsung HZ10W (dual stabilisation, remote control)
Olympus u9000 (dual stabilisation, 10x zoom)
I went with the Fuji in the end, having decided that the lack of low-light performance was the thing I liked least about the Olympus C70 that I was replacing.