daft question time again!
having just torn my workshop apart i've finally found my box with old amps, 3 way crossover etc. great but, no speaker wire.
despite doing this installation on a shoestring budget -got a holiday next week to pay for! - i want the best sound i can form what i have, in among all my bits and bobs i did find about 20ft of what i think is called 'oxygen free' speaker cable, I used it on my old roger audio stack system (why oh why did i sell it all... 25yr old and better than any modern stuff i'd had!) and it was fine but, is it suitable for using in the car?
i know the cable itself was extremely expensive at the time and is very good cable, i'm just not sure.
the crossover i plan to use is a kenwood item which requires the wires to be soldered to the terminals so, to make it easier to remove the sub (when the space is needed) i plan to solder short sections with gold phono connectors, is this all acceptable?
probably fine to use, just being cautious!