Another friend asked me to make edits to her company's site... Most of the edits will be a cakewalk, but they also would like some new content inserted into their flash slideshows.

Please see the site here:

The issue I have before even getting started is that I don't know what kind of source materials they have. Don't know if the have the original flash project or only the compiled swf that's currently on the web.

I've never made a flash slideshow before, but I don't imagine I'd have that hard a time modifying an existing one if I had the original project files. That is, as long as Adobe Flash CS4 is the suitable software to work on it.

So what am I looked at here? What if they don't have a project file and sources? Can anything be done to modify the already existing SWF using Flash CS4?

I'm waiting for an answer now as to original sources for the swf as well as their entire web hierarchy. For the rest of the pages I'm fine with downloading their entire site if they don't have the sources.

Edited by hybrid8 (21/10/2009 14:48)
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