Donato, thanks so much for the link. I'm not sure why I didn't clue in that the "v3" was part of the name of the creator app/plugin.

I'm not sure at this point if the images are actually stored in a folder or inside a single swf file.

If I could look at their server I'd find out quickly, but I'm still waiting for that info.

* EDIT *

Jebus, whoever worked on that site didn't even include an htaccess file to stop people from listing directories... Newb...

List of the slideshow config (xml) files...

Here's one of the folders one of the slideshows pulls images from:

So it looks like it's a simple edit to the xml files and then just edit and send up an image into the appropriate folder. Straight forward.

Edited by hybrid8 (21/10/2009 18:44)
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