I have an honest question. I've been checking out the Dell Zino HD for a little while now. I'm considering it as a computer to recommend to very low-use clients who just want email, internet, and word processing. But that ASRock seems like it would be just as capable, and they're in the same price range.

So which one is more powerful? Which CPU is stronger? The Zino has an AMD Dual Core Athlon X2 3250e, whereas the ASRock has the Intel Atom 330 Dual core. I'm trying to compare the closest chips, and for the purpose of this question I'm looking at the 1.5GHz AMD and the 1.6GHz Intel.

So who wins? Without knowing how the CPUs compare, as far as I can see the Dell seems to win out. A build comparable to the $349 ASRock costs $339 for the Zino HD (which comes with Vista and a basic keyboard and mouse - which is nice for my clients). Plus then you get Dell backing you for a year. You also get far more customization at the time of order. For whatever reason, Newegg only has the lowest-end ASRock. They don't have any of the models with built-in wireless or blu-ray.

I know the Zino HD is hardly the beefiest computer out there, but given that the most basic version is $229, and the only necessary upgrade being a $30 upgrade from Vista to 7, it seems like a great value for a computer for grandma. Am I wrong?