Well, the real reason is that instead of a blog, which is essentially an island, you get Twitter...which is like millions of tiny, really close islands

It has exactly the same problem as blogs which is that to be blunt most people/blogs/feeds really aren't that interesting. You have to sift through the dross to find the handful of decent blogs or twitter feeds. This isn't a problem with the actual service behind it though. Just that there really is a lot of junk and its hard to find the decent stuff.
Oh god, I hope I wasn't coming off as anything but agreeing with everything you just said

I don't mean to defend the service, only to explain the idea behind it. I don't agree with it, though.
For one thing, there is absolutely NO defense for Twitter as a commenting system. It utterly fails as one, as you usually can't see all the comments, and even if you could, you'd see too many repeated comments (which isn't usually a problem for blog posts), and there's no threading at all. Even a blog with a flat comments thread on posts can develop a real conversation. Twitter fails completely at this.