Might be a little late, but do you fancy a pint/mini meet pint with the locals before you set off? (not *immediately* before, obviously

Would be good to finally meet you!
Actually... probably not, Hugo. We are absolutely buried with the packing up and are facing an implacable deadline by which we MUST be in Guadalajara to pick up SWMBO's brother at the airport.
It isn't the packing up so much as the sorting through. We are downsizing by a factor of six in terms of square footage (counting the Alaska home and the California home) and so much stuff has to be disposed of. For me, it's no problem. I've got two bicycles, a computer, and a large duffel bag full of clothes, the rest (what little there is) I don't care about. Oh, a few odds and ends here and there, an empeg or two, a nice camera, bits and pieces. SWMBO, on the other hand... the duffel bag that contains
all of my clothing wouldn't be big enough to hold her
shoes. The problem is, her stuff (in contrast to mine) is
nice $tuff that she can't bear to part with. Sigh...
Oh, we have met on two occasions. The first time was when Tony Fabris and I drove down in the ShoWagon to wherever it was (San Francisco?) for a mini-meet where you were giving out tuners for beta testing. The second time was at the empeg meet in Amersfoort in 2005.
Thanks very much for the invite/suggestion, but I just don't see a way to make it happen.