Mine too!!! I think if they didn't go mad you weren't doing it right

I can remember doing 2 paper rounds during the week and working at the local computer games store on a Saturday to pay the phone bill and buy computer bits. I can't remember the year I was working in "Future Zone" but I know Rise of the Robots had just come out on the Amiga, because all I seemed to do was swap out duff floppy disks as I was on something like 14 discs and there was always one duff one in the set. I was an Amiga nut back then, I had a PC running MS-DOS but it seemed a little backwards at the time, which is why it got used for the BBS I think. I still have both my Amiga and that PC I think.
It just goes to show how behind the times we were in Shropshire, in 1994 having a modem was really cutting edge stuff! None of my Amiga owning friends had one, it was just us "freaks" with PC's as well. I can remember getting loads of pirate games for the Amiga but I never used BBS's for that, I can remember downloading loads of txt files on random stuff, and the odd grainy picture of half naked ladies.
It's really bothering me that I can't remember any of the names of the systems I dialled into, the BBS software I ran (my BBS was called X-Domain) or that I can't find my old floppy backups. Hmmmmmmmm.