Okay, here's a challenge for you good folks. I have a clear idea in my head of the piece of furniture that I want. The problem is that it doesn't seem to exist.
What I want:
- storage/ottoman/table (a coffee table that doubles as an ottoman - or the other way around - with storage space inside)
- $200 or less
- can be used for sitting on
- a decent size - minimum of 40"L x 18"D x 18"H
- Most of the units have cushions that flip over into trays, but then the cushions simply rest atop the unit, prone to sliding off. No good. Has to have the cushion and tray nestle in the top.
So far I've found
one decent candidate that appears to be nearly perfect. Unfortunately I see nothing about whether it's possible to sit on it. It's also at the minimum size I'm looking for.
I'd also consider combining two or more units into one large one. For example,
three of these would be fantastic, but apparently they're specifically not to be sat upon

So that's the challenge. I've been at this all day, plus off and on for the past several months. I just have this feeling that there's a perfect unit out there that I just can't find. For example, when my wife and I moved into our cozy apartment, we couldn't find a space-saving dining table no matter where we looked. Finally my mother found
this in an in-flight magazine. It ended up being my favorite piece of furniture in the house, going from a side table to seating 8 in about 5 minutes, with extremely inexpensive yet attractive folding chairs. That's the kind of find I'm hoping for here, but I'm at my wit's end! So now I mine the great empeg board for help, or at least for the universe to work its magic and do the usual "look all day, post it to the empeg board, find it two minutes later" thing