Oh, I also don't think 3D TVs will move very far this year. I don't believe the mass-market has any interest in wearing glasses to watch TV.
Agreed. It's little more than the TV manufacturers being addicted to selling us all $2500 TVs. It won't last forever. I wonder, in their minds, what they plan to do once everyone has a 3D TV. What's next?
And I have a question that I haven't seen answered anywhere, so maybe someone here knows. For 3D TVs, on average, does 2D image processing suffer at all? I really know little about how the tech works.
Anyway, I agree, nobody wants the glasses. I've heard the glasses-less TVs actually looked pretty darn good at CES, but apparently there are exactly 8 viewing angles where it works. My question is, how dead-on do you have to be? Do I have to keep my head motionless, lest I move an inch and suddenly everything looks like crap? And on all this 3D stuff, what's the viewing angle? My favorite seat is on the far left, at about 45 degrees.