The alt text for your blog logo says Chris.
How the hell did you spot that? Now fixed

The blog layout and the rest of the site layout is slightly different. The edges of the boxes don't line up when you switch between them.
You are not supposed to notice that. I got someone else to do the blog template and it isn't 100% right, it's on the to do list somewhere.
It has been a very productive day at the end of it all. I think I may have sorted out the speed issues with my shop system, there was a .htaccess file in the thumbnail directory that shouldn't have been there, removing that has improved the page load times considerably.
Also loads of little bugs sorted (cheers fellas) along with some cool php lessons learned. I am using this bit of code to help the menu system know what to highlight...
$path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$page = basename($path);
$page = basename($path, '.php');
Seems to work pretty well grabbing the file name, the rest is pretty crude but at least it works
