It seems that everything that's upsetting is settable in tools>options somewhere.
Personally, I prefer to have one copy of a program running. I typically have about a dozen excel spreadsheets open at any time, and I don't want a dozen copies of excel running and burning up memory.
I'm still running office '97 as all versions after that run a separate copy of word for every open document. I heard that they did this because outlook uses word as the editor and they couldn't figure out a way to slip an email in and out of the open documents, so decided everything shall be it's own copy of word. Brilliant.
However, I use Mozilla. And on my primary machine, I run Windows 2000, which I feel is the peak of windows development. I use XP on everything else, for a variety of reasons... but 2K is the best. Less annoying behavior, and most things just work, something MS has gotten away from.
I'm hoping 7 is ok, but I'm worried about it being "not worse than xp..."
I'm still missing os/2...