Actually, Bitt is correct, the peanut butter in Reese cups is pretty good. I was referring however to the Jif and similar products being artificial. And also a joke back to Nutella, that while tasty is pretty much brown Hazelnut-Chocolate-flavored oil.

The peanut butter I buy doesn't have any sugar and it's great. Nice roasted flavor. It's from a house brand of the Loblaw company, though I've seen a product labeled as 'natural' from Kraft as well. I've also bought similarly plain roasted mashed peanut butter at Costco, but I don't know if there are any popular national brands other than the Kraft jar I saw (and that's not a popular offering here in fact). Mostly you'll find Jif and similar sugar-loaded peanut butter-like spreads.

Edited by hybrid8 (25/01/2010 19:09)
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