New release just a week ago or so. I didn't see anyone here talking about it.

Anyone using it?

One new feature that I really disagree with is using the 'awesome bar' logic for form complete tasks.

I rely on the 'form complete' function for Craigslist searches and I maintain that list by pruning the items I'm no longer interested in searching for. But now my list has gone from nice, alpha-numeric organization to... shit. Some sort of 'we know best what you should be looking for' logic has taken over my formfill list.
Honestly, I don't need my browser to think for me.
I don't need my browser to suggest things for me.
I just need my browser to surf with. Leave the searching, suggesting, and organizing to me!
I can't turn it off. I've looked in about:config and googled for an answer for how to get back to an alphabetized list, but alas, no luck.

I don't use the 'awesome bar'. Whatever site I want to find again I bookmark. Isn't that what the bookmarks are for?
If I forget to bookmark a site I look in the history. Isn't that what the history is for?
If I want to find a new site I google for it. Isn't that what a search engine is for?
I set up keyword searches for google, google image, imdb, dictionary, and wikipedia. Awesome bar? bah.

Outside of that one niggle with form complete, 3.6 seems to at least wake up faster. No other complaints from me.

My google-fu warmed up a bit.
browser.formfill.timeGroupingSize to 0

Edited by Robotic (28/01/2010 00:28)
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