Bought a second empeg as a spare, sent it to Mark Lord for major customization works; bought a house in 2006 in Rome, renewed it and, piece by piece, am still renewing it. Bough a bigger motorbike in 2007.
Had mlord over in 2008

In 2009, a devastating Earthquake in my hometown got me reconsider value of life; family and friends are alive, but not all friends' friends or families.
No job changes, but made some carrier that meant some more money a lot more headache, and zero time left.
This made me mostly a lurker here, but still would never give up reading the empeg bbs once in a while.
In 2009 I also installed an alpine+ipod in my car and left my empegs at home, leaning to dislike both the alpine gui and the ipod overall. But, before I move back to the in-car empeg, I should decide whether it is time to change car or not.
Good to read you back!
few dates wrong and forgot the earthquake. Freudian, I guess.