It wasn't the rim that didn't allow it to close on my car. It was how it stuck out about 3/4 of an inch. Not even close to being flush.

It's okay, though. As I posted in the Nexus One thread, I ended up buying one of these, and I'm quite happy with it. I love that I can pull out just enough chord to reach the phone, whereas with the USB cable plugged into one of those Belkin things, there was always plenty of USB cable hanging around, most often thrown to the passenger's side smile And when I take the phone out, I can press the button and the chord wraps back into the device. The thing feels like it could break if I looked at it wrong, but it's pretty cheap and works fine for now.

The idea of getting one of those Belkin adapters was that I could essentially turn my outlets into permanent USB ports. I guess that's not going to work out, but the device I got instead is a nice alternative.