Well I just got insurance this year, so that is a blessing. So far, my share comes to 3,000 .... I think there are still some more coing in, but my deductable should be 3,000 out of pocket. The hospital alone was over 98K, and then you have to add in the cardiolgist, nurologist (to make sure that my brain was not damaged)... then there was the MRI, and other stuff...the groin cathator was 500.00.

Then remember also that I am currently on a short term disablity until the end of May. As soon as I am released to go back to work, my job is gone, as the contract I was working through is done at the end of April. So, as you can see, It sucks being me right now.

So you can see I'll be paying bills for a long time.
The only easy day...was yesterday!