I have been using Nero-7 for burning CDs and DVDs for the past several years and have had no problems nor complaints. I use it to prepare Data DVDs, and have not burned CDs in the last year or so.

Today I tried to burn a CD, since the job was only about 30 MB no sense using a 4+ GB DVD disc. Everything seemed to work normally, Nero said it was burining the CD at 48x, then it aborted with the job ribbon at the 50% mark, saying "Could not perform EndTrack. Burn process failed."

I can burn DVDs to my heart's content. Yesterday I burned a series of 24 of them without generating a single coaster. I cannot write to a CD. I tried different files, thinking there might be something wrong with the one I was trying to burn, but no luck. Interestingly enough, the CD comes out of the CD burner absolutely pristine -- nothing has been written to it. The CD is a good quality TDK disc.

The CD burner is a Philips SPD2513P, and has performed faultlessly until now. I suspect the problem may be related to an indiscretion on my part. Several months ago I ignored my normal rule of "If it ain't broke don't fix it" and succumbed to the enticements of the "Philips Intelligent Agent" to update the drive firmware to the latest versions. The drive still worked writing DVDs afterwards, so I figured all was right with the world. I ran the agent again today, and it confirmed that I was still using the latest firmware, but it will only write DVDs, not CDs.

Any ideas on what I should try next?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"