Very interesting. I can't imagine how this'll turn out, but I'm glad Palm will still be around.

Apparently HTC crunched the numbers and decided they couldn't do it. Based on this 1.2B price I'm not surprised. I'm sure they would have loved to get their hands on those patents, though. I really would have loved to see an HTC WebOS device too. Not really because I'm excited about their design, but anything is better than the Pre and Pixi hardware.

Don't worry, Bruno, you won't get any Slate defense from me. That product is not going to sell. I love how essentially the very first press (other than the announcement) that they've done was to release a specification comparison between it and the iPad. Apparently they don't realize that the specs aren't the real importance of the iPad (as good as they are). It's the platform. From what I've seen, Windows 7 could offer a better tablet experience than prior versions of Windows, but that doesn't say anything at all. Besides, they didn't release info on battery life (or weight, I think).