I'd been to a few Fry's in CA in the late 90s, but a few years ago we got one here in Seattle (Renton, actually).

I have been there 5-6 times and picked up an assortment of things. One thing really surprised me, though, and was something I didn't remember from the CA Fry's I visited.

So they have a pretty huge DVD section and in the middle of that is a huge Adult DVD section (with little opaque dividers so you can't immediately see the DVD covers). I would think this would get them boycotted by family-oriented customers bu that doesn't seem to be the case -- 10 year-old kids are playing Rock band 20 feet away.

Mostly I wonder how it is worth it for them. In the 3-4 times I have walked by, I have never seen anybody in the Adult aisle flipping through the merchandise. Do all the pr0n hounds wait until 10 minutes before closing and then run in to grab DVDs?

Color me mystified.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.