I should have addressed the sales person issue in my first post. I do not vouch for the sales people at BB. But that's only because I don't ask sales people for their opinions or technical expertise at any electronics store. I always go into the store knowing what I want to buy (well, that's how I go into every store, actually). So I never ask the sales staff anything other than "where is ____?"
I do have a theory about the sales staff at stores that sell consumer electronics: If you walk into these stores with purpose, knowing where the item you want is located and making a beeline for that item, you will be stopped by one to three employees asking you if you need help.
However, if you walk in completely unsure of where your product is, looking around hopelessly for some assistance, there won't be a salesperson in sight.
This theory even works mid-visit. I'll think I know where something is, and get stopped by two people on the way there. Then I can't find it, and suddenly nobody will be around to help me.
Perhaps it's just my imagining things, but I swear that this happens to me the majority of the time.
---Separate Issue---
All I know is that I'm glad Circuit City is out of business. I'd get stopped by people no matter what in that store. I hate the commission model in consumer electronics, as it always results in dishonesty. It's the main thing I dislike about Micro Center. When they talk to you, they'll practically beg you to put their employee barcode sticker on anything you're carrying, whether they helped you find it or not. Once I was looking for replacement ink cartridges for a client, and noticed that an employee had put his sticker on the back of every single box. That's just sneaky.
God, I love online shopping...