Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Oh, and you don't have temp files littering your filesystem.

Oh no, I don't have temp files. I download PDFs to my default download folder (my desktop).

Originally Posted By: msaeger
I must be something with Chrome I un-installed everything and installed pdfxchange and it is just as slow.

There's definitely one slower thing I've noticed about Chrome, and it's an odd thing.

Every single time I'm in the browser, and I need to browse for a file to upload to a site, once I've selected the file it seems to take forever for Chrome to sort of...register that it has the file. I'm not sure how to explain it.

For example, if I wanted to attach a file to this post, I'd go to the file upload window using the forum software. I'd click the browse button and find the file like I usually would. The difference between Chrome and Firefox, for me, is that once I double-click that files (or click it and click OK), I'm taken back to the browser window, but the file text box is still empty, and it stays empty for about 5-10 seconds, then it eventually fills out and I can go along my way.

The browser isn't frozen at that point. I can click the submit button or whatever and it will then act like I haven't selected a file. This is the behavior I've gotten from every one of these situations. It even happens when I upload a file to Google Docs!