My SWMBO recently saw an allergist, who confirmed what we already knew -- she's allergic to dogs and cats, just like I am. He recommended a HEPA air purifier for our bedroom in addition to the central air cleaner our house already has. Wanting to be a smart consumer, and knowing many smart consumers frequent the board, I thought I'd ask for recommendations here.

Amazon's best sellers are a few Honeywell models, but they get so-so reviews compared to some other lesser known brands. The best resource I've found so far is this site, and in particular, this Top 10 page which seems to give a good summary of the product landscape.

My takeaway is that, like many other product categories, you seem to get what you pay for, until you get to the higher end, at which point the benefits of spending more become less clear. I'm sure one of those "premium" models from IQAir, BlueAir, or Austin Air would be fantastic -- but I'd really need some more info before I could shell out nearly $800 to purify one room.

So, I'm finding myself drawn to the next tier of manufacturers like Rabbit Air and NeoAir.

I think my leading candidate right now is this one:

Rabbit Air 421A for $329

It seems like it would be powerful enough to clean our ~200 sq. ft. bedroom. The 582A is a more powerful version of the same basic design for $70 more. The Rabbit Air SPA-780A, for $549, is a newer model from the same manufacturer, and seems to have some extra bells and whistles that I'm not sure are worth it.

Does anyone have an air purifier they're particularly pleased with? Are those top-of-the-line models leaps and bounds above the others? I know this is a bit of a niche product but I thought someone else may have been through this before.
- Tony C
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